What's New

“Impressions of Gaza”

By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012.


(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)


Chomsky videos at bigthink.com

Posted Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chomsky videos at bigthink.com


"What is the best way forward in Iraq?"
"How will the changing global powers impact the Israel-Palestine conflict?"
"How do you see the global power dynamic in 2008?"
"What are your thoughts about the passing of William F. Buckley?"



Professor Chomsky interviewed by Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer

Professor Chomsky interviewed by Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer



Professor Chomsky on the campus circuit

Posted Saturday, May 17, 2008

Professor Chomsky on the campus circuit:

Harvard University

Boston University

Tufts University

Rock Bridge High School


Review of The Essential Chomsky

Posted Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Review of The Essential Chomsky

"It's certainly essential."



Chomsky interviewed by Booktalk.org

Chomsky interviewed by Booktalk.org, on Interventions

BOOKTALK.ORG: What's your opinion of the candidates running in the Democratic Presidential primary?

CHOMSKY: Keeping to the viable candidates, I am not impressed.

Interventions, an interview with the author. With Booktalk.org. November 2007.


Professor Chomsky on "Tips for dealing with information overload"

Posted Friday, May 09, 2008

Professor Chomsky on "Tips for dealing with information overload"

"I wish I could answer sensibly. I just can't. You should see the room in which I'm working. Piles of books, clippings, manuscripts, notes ... All sorts of lost treasures buried in them."



Chomsky on 1968

Chomsky on 1968

Noam Chomsky on 1968. New Statesman. May 8, 2008.


KPFK interview (MP3 audio) with Professor Chomsky

Posted Tuesday, May 06, 2008

KPFK interview (MP3 audio) with Professor Chomsky

World Focus (Office of the Americas), with Noam Chomsky. KPFK. February 24, 2008.


Two more new Chomsky videos:

Posted Monday, May 05, 2008

Two more new Chomsky videos:

The Middle East in the Context of the Presidential Elections and the "Surge" in Iraq. Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Arab Student Organization at Boston University. April 5, 2008.

Noam Chomsky and Omar Baddar Debate the Israel Lobby. Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Arab Student Organization at Boston University. April 12, 2008.


New Chomsky video

New Chomsky video:

Authors@Google: Noam Chomsky. M.I.T., Cambridge, MA. April 25, 2008.


Noam Chomsky named one of the world's top 100 "public intellectuals"

Noam Chomsky named one of the world's top 100 "public intellectuals" http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4262
