“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Noam Chomsky video from 1985Posted Sunday, August 28, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with High Times magazinePosted Saturday, August 27, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with High Times magazine Noam Sayin'? The High Times Interview with Noam Chomsky. With T.A. Sedlak, High Times. July 29, 2011. Noam Chomsky Google+ accountPosted Friday, August 26, 2011Noam Chomsky Google+ account To further publicize Professor Chomsky's work and ideas, there is now a Google+ page for Noam Chomsky. Please spread the word: And Noam Chomsky is also on Facebook: Noam Chomsky to appear in forthcoming documentary "Four Horsemen"Posted Thursday, August 25, 2011Noam Chomsky to appear in forthcoming documentary "Four Horsemen" The trailer: And the official site: New Noam Chomsky article for al-Akhbar magazinePosted Wednesday, August 24, 2011New Noam Chomsky article for al-Akhbar magazine American Decline: Causes and Consequences. al-Akhbar. August 24, 2011. Noam Chomsky interview with Press ActionPosted Monday, August 22, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with Press Action Downsize or Modify? A Conversation with Noam Chomsky. With Mickey Z., Press Action. January 18, 2011. Transcripts of two recent Chomsky talksPosted Thursday, August 18, 2011Transcripts of two recent Chomsky talks Language and the Cognitive Science Revolution(s). Carleton University. April 8, 2011. Power Hunger Tempered by Self-Deception. The Collège de France. May 28, 2010. Many thanks to David P. Wilkins and Adrián Ondrovič for the transcriptions. New Noam Chomsky interview on the drug war in MexicoPosted Wednesday, August 17, 2011New Noam Chomsky interview on the drug war in Mexico Noam Chomsky: Drug Cartels and the Growing Border War. With Luis Fernando Cárdenas, Guernica. August 15, 2011. Recent Noam Chomsky article for TruthoutPosted Saturday, August 13, 2011Transcript and video of recent talk by Noam Chomsky at the University of Toronto, ScarboroughPosted Thursday, August 11, 2011Transcript and video of recent talk by Noam Chomsky at the University of Toronto, Scarborough Transcript: Academic Freedom and the Corporatization of Universities. University of Toronto, Scarborough. April 6, 2011. Video: Academic Freedom and the Corporatization of Universities. University of Toronto, Scarborough. April 6, 2011. |