“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Noam Chomsky interview with PressTVPosted Sunday, July 24, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with PressTV Stability, a cold code word with US. With PressTV (Iran). February 24, 2011. Video of interview available at: "Militarizing Latin America" article now available in German translationPosted Saturday, July 23, 2011"Militarizing Latin America" article now available in German translation Militarizing Latin America. chomsky.info. August 30, 2009. Versión en castellano: La cuestionada supremacía estadunidense en América Latina. La Jornada. 6 de septiembre de 2009. Version in Deutsch: Die Aufrüstung Südamerikas. 30 .August 2009. Noam Chomsky interview on Iranian.comPosted Friday, July 22, 2011Noam Chomsky interview on Iranian.com Chomsky: Iran's Green Movement (Interviewed by Hamid Dabashi). Iranian.com. March 7, 2011. Noam Chomsky interview clip from the forthcoming film "The Four Horsemen"Posted Tuesday, July 19, 2011Noam Chomsky interview clip from the forthcoming film "The Four Horsemen" Noam Chomsky on Darwinism. The Renegade Economist / The Four Horsemen. July 8, 2011. Two recent Chomsky interviewsPosted Friday, July 15, 2011Two recent Chomsky interviews Q&A with Noam Chomsky. With Jennifer Pagliaro, in The Charlatan (Carleton University). June 4, 2011. The Secret of Noam: A Chomsky Interview. With Jeff Jetton and Dakota Fine, on Brightest Young Things. March 9, 2011. Video of Noam Chomsky speech in Utrecht, The NetherlandsVideo of Noam Chomsky speech in Utrecht, The Netherlands Responsibility and Integrity: The Dilemmas We Face (Utrecht, The Netherlands). The Graduate School of Humanities, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Centre for the Humanities, and the Treaty of Utrecht Organisation. March 26, 2011. Recent Noam Chomsky article for TomDispatchPosted Thursday, July 14, 2011Recent Noam Chomsky article for TomDispatch Is the World Too Big to Fail? The Contours of Global Order. TomDispatch. April 21, 2011. Corrected translation of Chomsky interview with Zeit Campus now availableCorrected translation of Chomsky interview with Zeit Campus now available "Studenten sollen Anarchisten werden". Noam Chomsky interviwed durch Zeit Campus. 14. Juni 2011. "Students Should Become Anarchists". With Zeit Campus(Germany). June 14, 2011. Recent Chomsky interview in The Varsity magazinePosted Wednesday, July 13, 2011Recent Chomsky interview in The Varsity magazine Chomsky's Version. With Luke Savage, The Varsity (Canada). April 7, 2011. Recent article by Noam Chomsky in In These TimesRecent article by Noam Chomsky in In These Times In Israel, a Tsunami Warning. In These Times. July 7, 2011. Video of Noam Chomsky lecture on "Democracy and the Public University"Video of Noam Chomsky lecture on "Democracy and the Public University" Democracy and the Public University. Carleton University, Human Rights Program. April 8, 2011. Noam Chomsky interview with Qantara (Germany)Posted Monday, July 11, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with Qantara (Germany) "The West Is Terrified of Arabic Democracies". With Qantara, Qantara (Germany). June 17, 2011. "Noam Chomsky's Theory of Justice" -- from the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Social JusticePosted Sunday, July 10, 2011"Noam Chomsky's Theory of Justice" -- from the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Social Justice Noam Chomsky's Theory of Justice. By Robert Abele. Chapter from the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Social Justice, Springer Publishing, The Hague, Netherlands, 2011.
German translation of available of Noam Chomsky article "It's not radical Islam that worries the US"Posted Saturday, July 09, 2011German translation of available of Noam Chomsky article "It's not radical Islam that worries the US" It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence. The Guardian. February 4, 2011. Version in Deutsch:Nicht der radikale Islam gibt den USA zu denken -- es ist die Unabhängigkeit. June 14 Noam Chomsky interview (in German) with Zeit CampusJune 14 Noam Chomsky interview (in German) with Zeit Campus "Studenten sollen Anarchisten werden", Noam Chomsky interviwed durch Zeit Campus (14. Juni 2011) MediaLens summary of the Guardian's coverage of Noam Chomsky and the Afiuni casePosted Friday, July 08, 2011MediaLens summary of the Guardian's coverage of Noam Chomsky and the Afiuni case Noam Chomsky interview on Venezuela, and the Afiuni casePosted Thursday, July 07, 2011Noam Chomsky interview on Venezuela, and the Afiuni case Noam Chomsky on Venezuela. With Rory Carroll, The Guardian (UK). July 4, 2011. |