“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Noam Chomsky interview in Rudaw, on Kurdish independencePosted Thursday, March 31, 2011Noam Chomsky interview in Rudaw, on Kurdish independence Chomsky On The Prospect of Kurdish Independence. With Namo Abdulla, in Rudaw. February 15, 2011. Noam Chomsky interview with Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert on LibyaPosted Wednesday, March 30, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert on Libya On Libya and the Unfolding Crises. With Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert, ZNet. March 30, 2011. Text and video of Noam Chomsky talk in Amsterdam, March 13, 2011Text and video of Noam Chomsky talk in Amsterdam, March 13, 2011 Video: Contours of Global Order: Domination, Instability, and Xenophobia in a Changing World. Westerkerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 13, 2011. Text: Contours of Global Order: Domination, Instability, and Xenophobia in a Changing World. Westerkerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 13, 2011. Noam Chomsky speaking with Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald, and Michael Moore in NYC April 28Noam Chomsky speaking with Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald, and Michael Moore in NYC April 28
FAIR Turns 25! Please join renowned activist and scholar Noam Chomsky, Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman, Salon.com columnist Glenn Greenwald and Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore for a special evening to support Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=167 Noam Chomsky's new title, power and Terror, now available for advance pre-orderPosted Monday, March 28, 2011Noam Chomsky's new title, Power and Terror, now available for advance pre-order . . . and of those who order the advance copy, 12 will also receive signed copies of the book. For more information visit: http://bit.ly/CHOMSKY Noam Chomsky interview with Kindle Magazine on the Arab revoltPosted Saturday, March 26, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with Kindle Magazine on the Arab revolt Noam Chomsky speaks to Saswat Pattanayak. Kindle Magazine. March 2011. Noam Chomsky interview with Ceasefire MagazinePosted Friday, March 25, 2011Noam Chomsky interview with Ceasefire Magazine Noam Chomsky on Libya, the Arab spring, the cuts and more. Ceasefire Magazine. March 15, 2011. Noam Chomsky answers questions from Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Alice Walker, Chris Hedges, John Berger and Amira HassNoam Chomsky answers questions from Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Alice Walker, Chris Hedges, John Berger and Amira Hass
Noam Chomsky answers questions from Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Alice Walker, Chris Hedges, John Berger and Amira Hass. With Frank Barat. March 20, 2011.
And a selection: what is Professor Chomsky's favorite tongue-twister?
Noam Chomsky on Cairo and Madison, WisconsinPosted Wednesday, March 23, 2011Noam Chomsky's Hopes and Prospects available unabridged in two audio formatsPosted Tuesday, March 22, 2011Noam Chomsky's Hopes and Prospects available unabridged in two audio formats
Audio CD:
Noam Chomsky appearance in Boston, on March 22Posted Monday, March 21, 2011Noam Chomsky appearance in Boston, on March 22 http://www.pmpress.org/content/calendar_event.php?eid=20110125182529567 Noam Chomsky on military intervention in LibyaNoam Chomsky on military intervention in Libya Strikes will 'antagonise' many in Arab world, says Chomsky. With Saundra Satterlee, The Irish Times. March 21, 2011. Two recent Chomsky videos: BBC interview, speech in Bridgewater, MAPosted Friday, March 11, 2011Two recent Chomsky videos: BBC interview, speech in Bridgewater, MA Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Paxman's interview. BBC Newsnight. March 8, 2011. Noam Chomsky: Bridgewater, MA. Q & A. First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church. February 24, 2011. |