“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Noam Chomsky signs "We Support Wikileaks" petitionPosted Saturday, December 18, 2010Noam Chomsky signs "We Support Wikileaks" petition "Stand with Daniel Ellsberg, Barbara Ehrenreich, Arundhati Roy, Noam Chomsky and others -- add your name at the bottom of the page!" http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/592/p/dia/action/public/index.sjs?action_KEY=5343 Spanish-language interview with Noam Chomsky, from debate (Argentina)Posted Tuesday, December 14, 2010Spanish-language interview with Noam Chomsky, from debate (Argentina) "Europa es mucho más racista que Estados Unidos". With Bárbara Schijman, debate (Argentina). December 10, 2010. Noam Chomsky interview with Alan Gregg, from the year 2000Posted Sunday, December 12, 2010Noam Chomsky interview with Alan Gregg, from the year 2000 Noam Chomsky: The Conscience of America. Allan Gregg in Conversation. 2000. The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund welcomes your donations this holiday seasonPosted Saturday, December 11, 2010The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund welcomes your donations this holiday season By donating to The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund, you can save lives, increase hope and provide the means for Palestinians to work for a better future. The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund exists to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip and in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon. Partnerships with individuals and aid agencies on the ground in Lebanon, Gaza, in Europe and the United States will assure that your tax-deductible contributions get to the people for whom they are directly intended. You can make a difference. GAZA: War, siege and sanctions in the Gaza Strip mean that children suffer from food insecurity and are often malnourished. Some suffer from stunted growth. Many others, perhaps a majority, suffer from some level of post-traumatic stress disorder. Others need costly rehabilitation because of war wounds. An electricity crisis continues to plague the people of Gaza daily exacerbating the difficulty of obtaining clean drinking water and services most of us take for granted. The Gaza Strip lives an environmental nightmare. Cut off from the outside world, Gaza's internal deterioration has affected its physical, social and economic infrastructure pushing Gaza and its 1.5 million people backwards to where they are forced to survive and subsist in ways that hearken back to an earlier century: donkey carts pull wagon-loads of goods to market; a once thriving fishing industry has been ruined by the occupation as fishermen are forced to stay closer inshore where fish are smaller and contaminated from raw sewage pouring into the Mediterranean sea. Businesses are failing, schools are overcrowded and lack sufficient supplies and adequate facilities at all levels. Hospitals and clinics barely function with inadequate medical equipment and supplies. Businesses are failing even as farmers are forced off their once arable lands, lands that now comprise the latest "buffer zone" -- a no man's land patrolled and guarded by Israel 3 kilometers into the Gaza Strip along the entire landed border of the territory. Israeli gunboats patrol the border by sea. Inside the Gaza Strip human rights and solidarity groups work overtime in an effort to help a society purposefully wrecked and impoverished maintain a collective sense dignity. LEBANON: In the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon, close to 300,000 people live abandoned even by the society that acts as their host. As war and economic hardship hit the Gaza Strip and the West Bank more severely than in nearly 6 decades, the Palestinian refugees of Lebanon remain confined to a state of psycho-social and political limbo by their status as voiceless, stateless people lacking the most fundamental rights. In the squalid, still war-ruined refugee camps across the country and unwelcome by many outside the boundaries of their condemned homes, these non-people live ostracized or disqualified from receiving the most basic services provided by the state and even some aid agencies. The Palestinians of Lebanon, prevented from returning to their homes in historic Palestine, are banned from working in over 70 professions inside the country. Without the requisite, nearly unobtainable travel documents, they often cannot leave to seek better lives elsewhere, and if they were to obtain them where would they go? No less are they prohibited by law from repairing the crumbling camps to which they have been condemned like common criminals since the Nakba or Catastrophe of 1947-48. These refugees are the forgotten people of the Middle East. The struggle to maintain a viable, dignified present is offset by the future-less void in front of so many of them. Education, the chance to develop one's individual and creative potential is one of the few avenues open to these non-people -- especially if we can improve their chances of success. Noam Chomsky interview (content in Ticinese/Italian) RSI Radio Televisone della Svizzera ItalianaPosted Friday, December 10, 2010Noam Chomsky interview (content in Ticinese/Italian) RSI Radio Televisone della Svizzera Italiana RSI Rete Due incontra Noam Chomsky (in Ticinese/Italian). RSI Radio Televisone della Svizzera Italiana. December 7, 2010. Noam Chomsky interviewed on "Law and Disorder Radio"Posted Wednesday, December 08, 2010Noam Chomsky interviewed on "Law and Disorder Radio" Noam Chomsky - Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians. Law and Disorder Radio. December 6, 2010. Noam Chomsky on "Washington's pathetic capitulation to Israel" and "one of the most humiliating moments in U.S. diplomatic history"Posted Tuesday, December 07, 2010Noam Chomsky on "Washington's pathetic capitulation to Israel" and "one of the most humiliating moments in U.S. diplomatic history" The Charade of Israeli-Palestinian Talks. truthout. December 6, 2010. Noam Chomsky interviewed on "The Young Turks"Posted Monday, December 06, 2010Noam Chomsky interviewed on "The Young Turks" Noam Chomsky on American Foreign Policy and US Politics. With Cenk Uygur, on The Young Turks. October 26, 2010. Many thanks to Ken Levy for the transcription. Noam Chomsky and Illan Pappé's new book, Gaza in Crisis, now available in Italian translationPosted Thursday, December 02, 2010Noam Chomsky and Illan Pappé's new book, Gaza in Crisis, now available in Italian translation Video version of Noam Chomsky interview on WikiLeaksPosted Wednesday, December 01, 2010Video version of Noam Chomsky interview on WikiLeaks Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership" (Part I) and Part II. Democracy Now! November 30, 2010. Noam Chomsky on the latest WikiLeaks release, interview with Amy GoodmanNoam Chomsky on the latest WikiLeaks release, interview with Amy Goodman Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership". With Amy Goodman, on Democracy Now! November 30, 2010. Noam Chomsky's Hopes and Prospects reviewed in The Times Literary SupplementNoam Chomsky's Hopes and Prospects reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement "Hopes and Prospects, the latest contribution to Noam Chomsky's lengthy bibliography, is a collection of essays and talks delivered or published between 2006 and 2009, all of which have been revised and updated to incorporate developments up to early 2010. The first section deals with Latin America, the second with North America, but the work is thematically bound together by several recurring and overlapping discussions: the economic wars conducted by the United States, and the threat posed by its continued dominance of the global financial system; the threat of nuclear weapons; the manipulation of US client states, particularly Israel, to further US strategic interests; and the continued economic and political violence wrought against Latin America by its Northern counterpart. The book presents a bleak outlook, though it is not misleadingly titled: Chomsky sees the emergence of popular movements in Latin America and the possibility of 'meaningful democracy' in the region as giving hope to similar movements worldwide. Sadly, these hopes are greatly outnumbered by the number of wrongdoings, hypocrisies and outright lies that Chomsky lays at America's door." EMPIRE LINES Jonathan Pearson TLS: The Times Literary Supplement November 26, 2010 Information on the Carol Chomsky Memorial FundInformation on the Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund "The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund has been created in honor of the late Carol D. Chomsky, linguist, peace activist, mother, and wife of world reowned linguist, scholar, public intellectual and peace activist, Noam Chomsky. |