“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Friday, December 31, 2004 HBO interview on the U.S. Election [transcript], with Bill Maher (November 5, 2004): "The invasion of Iraq was simply a war crime, straight out war crime. [applause] [cheers] If we are not -- if we don't want to be hypocrites in the sense condemned in the Bible, we'll apply to ourselves the judgment of the Nuremberg Tribunal, for example, which said that aggression, invasion is the supreme international crime, which includes within it all subsequent crimes, including all of those that are taking place now." Talk on the "War on Terrorism" and the New Rules of World Order (October 13, 2004): "[W]e get lots of reports from Iraq, but they're very narrow in their character. Almost entirely, they come from inside the 'green zone,' the carefully protected zone inside Baghdad where the US forces are located, where the chosen government is, and where most journalists stay. And what doesn't come from there is usually controlled by the occupying army in some fashion or another. That's not because journalists are lazy or lack courage, it's just that it's far too dangerous to go outside of the protected area." The Nation brief comment, Looking Back, Looking Forward (December 2, 2004): "The elections are likely to have significant policy consequences, particularly harmful in the domestic arena, and in accelerating the "transformation of the military" that some prominent strategic analysts warn, realistically, may lead to "ultimate doom." But they tell us little about the country, though major studies of public opinion released just before the election are highly informative. " Press Action article on Chomsky, Sue Him, Noam!, by Jordy Cummings (November 10, 2004): "The disturbingly authoritarian journalist Andrew Sullivan is an easy target, but this time he may have gone too far. A gay far-right winger who spent years enamored with Bush, only to endorse Kerry to retain credibility among his vast readership who feels there's nothing wrong with siding with a mass-murderer, but if he's against gay marriage than he's got to go." Democracy Now video interview, The Life and Times of Noam Chomsky: A Brief History of America's Leading Dissident, with Amy Goodman (November 26, 2004): "On this special holiday edition of Democracy Now!, we spend the hour in an extended conversation with one of the leading dissidents and scholars in the United States, and that is Noam Chomsky." Frumkes Lecture, Simple Truths, Hard Problems: Some Thoughts on Terror, Justice, and Self-Defense (November 15, 2004). ZNet article, Imperial Presidency (December 17, 2004): "It goes without saying that what happens in the US has an enormous impact on the rest of the world -- and conversely: what happens in the rest of the world cannot fail to have an impact on the US, in several ways. First, it sets constraints on what even the most powerful state can do. And second, it influences the domestic US component of "the second superpower," as the New York Times ruefully described world public opinion after the huge protests before the Iraq invasion." ZNet article, 2004 Elections (November 29, 2004): "The elections of November 2004 have received a great deal of discussion, with exultation in some quarters, despair in others, and general lamentation about a "divided nation." They are likely to have policy consequences, particularly harmful to the public in the domestic arena, and to the world with regard to the "transformation of the military," which has led some prominent strategic analysts to warn of "ultimate doom" and to hope that US militarism and aggressiveness will be countered by a coalition of peace-loving states, led by – China! (John Steinbruner and Nancy Gallagher, Daedalus). We have come to a pretty pass when such words are expressed in the most respectable and sober journals. It is also worth noting how deep is the despair of the authors over the state of American democracy. Whether or not the assessment is merited is for activists to determine. " Al-Ahram Weekly article, Reshaping History (November 18-24, 2004): "The fundamental principle is that "we are good" -- "we" being the state we serve -- and what "we" do is dedicated to the highest principles, though there may be errors in practice. [...] The death of Arafat provides another in the immense list of case studies. I'll keep to The New York Times (NYT), the most important newspaper in the world, and The Boston Globe, perhaps more than others the local newspaper of the liberal educated elite." Left Hook interview, Civilization versus Barbarism?, with M. Junaid Alam (December 17, 2004): "[T]he level of destruction and terror and violence carried out by the powerful states far exceeds anything that can imaginably can be done by groups that are called terrorists and subnational groups." Democracy Now interview, The Life and Times of Noam Chomsky, with Amy Goodman (November 26, 2004): "I thought in the 1930s -- by the time I was sort of conscious politically, say late-1930s, my feeling was the U.S. should get into the war. In fact, there wasn't any war at that time. It should be involved in stopping the spread of fascism." ZNet interview, Anarchism Interview, with Ziga Vodovnik (July 14, 2004): "Anarchism is a very broad category; it means a lot of different things to different people. The main strains of anarchism have been very concerned with means. They have often tended to try to follow the idea that Bakunin expressed, that you should build the seeds of the future society within the existing one, and have been very extensively involved in educational work, organizing and forming collectives, small collectives and larger ones, and other kinds of organizations. " |