“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Friday, May 28, 2004 Your Call Radio audio interview, American Hegemony or Human Survival? (May 27, 2004): "If we are honest, we will use the same standards for ourselves that we use for others. That's true in personal life and it's true in international affairs." Democracy Now audio excerpt from the film Preventive Warriors (May 27, 2004): "[The pre-emptive war doctrine] has a certain rationality within a kind of a lunatic framework. But that's not so unusual in world affairs. History is just replete with examples, including recent history, of actions that were undertaken by perfectly rational people that carried, as they knew, severe risks to themselves and their own interests, but were undertaken pursuing short-term goals of higher priority." BBC News video interview transcript On American Imperialism and British Me Too-ism, with Jeremy Paxman (May 19, 2004): "Why pick 9/11? Why not pick 1993. Actually the fact that the terrorist act succeeded in September 11th did not alter the risk analysis. In 1993, similar groups, US trained Jihadi's came very close to blowing up the World Trade Center, with better planning, they probably would have killed tens of thousands of people. Since then it was known that this is very likely. In fact right through the 90's there was technical literature predicting it, and we know what to do. What you do is police work. Police work is the way to stop terrorist acts and it has succeeded." BBC News video interview On American Imperialism and British Me Too-ism, with Jeremy Paxman (May 19, 2004): "[The talk about spreading the values of liberal democracy] reminds me of the question that Gandhi was once asked about Western civilization, and what did he think of it. He said 'Yeah, it would be a good idea'. In effect, it would be a good idea to spread the values of liberal democracy. But that's not what the US and Britain are trying to do. It's not what they've done in the past." The Nation brief commentary, How to Get Out of Iraq? (May 6, 2004): "Reconstruction should be in the hands of Iraqis, not delayed as a means of controlling them, as Washington has indicated. Reparations - not just aid - should be provided by those responsible for devastating Iraqi civilian society by cruel sanctions and military actions, and - together with other criminal states - for supporting Saddam Hussein through his worst atrocities and beyond. That is the minimum that honesty requires." Safundi interview, South Africa, Israel-Palestine, and the Contours of the Contemporary Global Order, with Christopher L. Lee (March 9, 2004): "If Israel wanted a security wall, no one would object, there would be no international objection, and we would know exactly where they would build it: a couple of kilometers inside the Green Line. That's the way you can build a perfect security wall: you make it a mile high, you can have the IDF patrolling on both sides, totally impenetrable. So if you want security, that's the way to do it. Except that's not even considered. And the reason is that security is simply not the issue." |