“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Thursday, January 29, 2004 Full online version of the book Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact & Propaganda, by Chomsky & Herman (South End Press, 1973). Counter-Revolutionary Violence formed the basis of bi volume The Political Economy of Human Rights, which is still published by South-End Pres. The Toronto Star article, What a Fair Trial for Saddam Would Entail (January 25, 2004): "The long, tortuous association between Saddam Hussein and the West raises questions about what issues -- and embarrassments -- may surface at a tribunal. In a (virtually unimaginable) fair trial for Saddam, a defence attorney could quite rightly call to the stand Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush I and other high officials who provided significant support for the dictator, even through his worst atrocities." Evan Solomon interview, Hegemony or Survival (December 9, 2003): "Nobody we ever talked to on HotType provoked such controversy - both lavish praise and harsh criticism as Noam Chomsky. Since the Vietnam War the controversial public intellectual, professor and activist has been at the centre of the debate about the US use and misuse of its power. As the violence continues in Iraq, Noam Chomsky has a new book out called "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance." We thought it was a good time to come here to Boston to this non-descript building where Noam Chomsky teaches, and we sat down to have a conversation about everything from his new book to his treatment in the American press-especially the New York Times to what may happen in the future". Chomsky reviews Eqbal Ahmad's Confronting Empire, Thoughts Of A Secular Sufi (2000): "Inevitably, reading Eqbal Ahmad's words evokes the presence of the person - treasured friend, trusted comrade, counsellor and teacher. The unforgettable voice, beautifully captured in these interviews, is rich with learning, understanding, and compassion. It is a voice of steely dedication, but free from dogmatism." Columbia University talk, After the War (November 20, 2003): "There is a trap which is deeply rooted in the intellectual culture, and we have to avoid it. The trap is the doctrine that I sometimes call the doctrine of change of course. It's a doctrine that's invoked every two or three years in the United States. The content of the doctrine is yes, in the past, we did some wrong things because of our innocence or out of inadvertence, but now that's all over, so we can't not waste any more time on this boring, stale stuff, which incidentally we suppressed and denied while it was happening, but must now be effaced from history as we march forward to a glorious future." Michael Leon's article, Planet Chomsky in the Times (January 7, 2004): "A review by Samantha Power in the Sunday New York Times Book Review (Jan. 4, 2003) of Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival, America's Quest for Global Dominance (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company) constitutes the most sympathetic, comparatively fair and balanced discussion of Chomsky's political writing in years appearing in these pages, with only a hint of Chomsky bashing." Hawzheen O. Kareem's interview, On the US and the Middle East (January 2, 2004): "The primary goal [of the American occupation of Iraq], uncontroversially, is to control the immense energy reserves of the Persian Gulf region, Iraq included. That has been a prime concern of the Western industrial powers since the time when Iraq was created by the British, to ensure that Iraqi oil reserves would be in British hands and the newly-created state of Iraq would be barred from free access to the Gulf. At that time the US was not a leading actor in world affairs. But after World War II, the US was by far the dominant world power, and control of Middle East energy reserves became a leading foreign policy goal, as it had been for its predecessors." Lawrence McGuire's article, Eight Ways to Smear Noam Chomsky (October 9, 2002): "I just read a recent article in The Nation, 'The Left and 9/11' (September 23, 2002) by Adam Shatz, which purports to be a measured analysis of the differences between the so-called 'Left' in the United States over the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq. In reality the article is a clever misrepresentation of Chomsky, and of others who share his view of U.S. foreign policy. Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is more than one way to smear Chomsky. I counted eight in Shatz's article." Guerrilla News' interview, Hegemony or Survival (December 17, 2003): "The same people running the so-called War on Terror, in the 1980s were carrying out what they called a "democracy campaign" in Central America. Look at how they brought "democracy" to Central America. It was with massacres, torture, violence and destruction. " Edward S. Herman's essay, The Propaganda Model: A Retrospective (December 9, 2003): "In Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Noam Chomsky and I put forward a "propaganda model" as a framework for analysing and understanding how the mainstream U.S. media work and why they perform as they do. In this article I will briefly describe the propaganda model, address some of the criticisms that have been leveled against it, and discuss how the model holds up a decade or so after its publication. I will also provide some examples of how the propaganda model helps explain the nature of media coverage of important political topics at the turn of the century." Democracy Now's Review of 2003. With Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Katha Pollitt, Martin Espada, Michael Parenti and Aarti Shahani. "Today on Democracy Now!, we are going to look back at 2003, a year defined by war, invasion, occupation and resistance. Later in the program, we will be speaking with Noam Chomsky, with Katha Pollit of The Nation magazine , author Michael Parenti, Aarti Shahani of Families for Freedom and poet Martin Espada. But first we go all the way across the world to Australia, where it is already 2004. We are joined by veteran filmmaker, author and journalist John Pilger. " |