“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Monday, December 29, 2003 Sveriges Radio's audio interview, On Iraq (September 21, 2002): "Saddam Hussein is a terrible threat to anyone who is within his reach. Fortunately his reach is not very far." Samuel Hughes's article, Speech! (July-August 2001): "Noam Chomsky was about to drop out of Penn when he encountered linguistics professor Zellig Harris. It was arguably on of the most important intellectual meetings of the century." Audio talk, Government in the Future (1970). Chomsky discusses four idealized positions regarding the role of the state in an industrial society: classical liberal, libertarian socialist, state socialist, state capitalist, considering each in turn. American Empire Project's audio talk, Hegemony or Survival. Chomsky talks about his new book, commenting on the book's title and his reasons for choosing it. Democracy Now's video, on Iraq, War Profiteers & The Media (December 26, 2003): "In a recent speech at Columbia University, Noam Chomsky strongly criticizes the Bush Administration's war against Iraq. He speaks against the power investors have over world affairs, the media's capitulation to them and much more." The Toronto Star's article, Selective Memory and a Dishonest Doctrine article (December 21, 2003): "Who would expect that the United States would ever permit an independent Iraqi government to exist? Especially now that Washington has reserved the right to set up permanent military bases there, in the heart of the world's greatest oil-producing region, and has imposed an economic regime that no sovereign country would accept, putting the country's fate in the hands of Western corporations. Throughout history, even the harshest and most shameful measures are regularly accompanied by professions of noble intent -- and rhetoric about bestowing freedom and independence." |