“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm ![]()
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Noam Chomsky's response to the Bin Laden assassinationPosted Sunday, May 22, 2011Recent video interview with Noam ChomskyPosted Saturday, May 14, 2011Recent video interview with Noam Chomsky As Humankind Heads Toward the Cliff. With Ken Hildebrandt. March 25, 2011. Recent reprint of September 2010 Noam Chomsky talkPosted Tuesday, May 10, 2011Recent reprint of September 2010 Noam Chomsky talk Human intelligence and the environment. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. September 30, 2010. Three recent Chomsky videosPosted Monday, May 09, 2011Three recent Chomsky videos Academic Freedom and the Corporatization of Universities. Univeristy of Toronto - Scarborough. April 29, 2011. Israel and Palestine. Clark University, Worcester, MA. April 12, 2011. The Case for Withdrawal from Afghanistan (with Malalai Joya). Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. March 25, 2011. |
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