“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm ![]()
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
New article: "In Memory of Tanya Reinhart"Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2007In Memory of Tanya Reinhart (March 18, 2007). An excerpt: It is painful, and hard, to write about the loss of an old and cherished friend. Tanya Reinhart was just that. New interview: "Noam Chomsky Connects the Dots"Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2007Noam Chomsky Connects the Dots, interview with Sameer Dossani, CounterPunch (March 9 / 11, 2007). An excerpt: As far as the U.S. economic interests I think we have to make a distinction. The primary interest, and that's true throughout the Middle East, even in Saudi Arabia, the major energy producer, has always been control, not access, and not profit. Profit is a secondary interest and access is a tertiary interest. New blog: "Transcribing Noam Chomsky's talks"Posted Monday, March 12, 2007Mariko from Japan provides transcripts of Chomsky's talks in a useful blog devoted solely to this purpose. We will include complete transcripts here at chomsky.info as they become available, but you may want to visit the site regularly for daily updates. New article: "A predator becomes more dangerous when wounded"Posted Friday, March 09, 2007A predator becomes more dangerous when wounded, The Guardian (March 9, 2007). An excerpt: In the energy-rich Middle East, only two countries have failed to subordinate themselves to Washington's basic demands: Iran and Syria. Accordingly both are enemies, Iran by far the more important. As was the norm during the cold war, resort to violence is regularly justified as a reaction to the malign influence of the main enemy, often on the flimsiest of pretexts. Unsurprisingly, as Bush sends more troops to Iraq, tales surface of Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Iraq--a country otherwise free from any foreign interference--on the tacit assumption that Washington rules the world. New article on Chomsky: "The Radical Intellectual"Posted Thursday, March 08, 2007The Radical Intellectual, by Wolfgang B. Sperlich, Resurgence, Issue 240 (January-February, 2007). An excerpt: People who care about the world and its inhabitants have long recognised Chomsky as a visionary and a man of the people. As an eminent scientist with a social conscience he embodies the tireless academic worker --with a vast output of high-quality work-- who reluctantly sacrificed his private life for a public one in order to make the world a better place. In that sense he is also a committed conservationist, and this is expressed in his deep concern for the natural environment, especially in his more recent work. That he is vilified as public enemy number one by political and economic reactionaries comes as no surprise, but it is a heavy price to pay. His good-humoured acceptance of such a fate should inspire us all. |
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