“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm ![]()
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Tuesday, September 19, 2006 This might be of interest to readers of chomsky.info: I have some interviews on cassette tape with lower level Sandinista officials (1988-89) that may be of interest to scholars. I would like to donate them to an archive, an established organization that would make them available to people or an academic department for its library. There are some transcriptions. Some other things -- posters, clips from Barricada -- from Nicaragua, and other Latin American solidarity, especially El Savlador and other (e.g., 1977 Paredon record album demo in mint condition "Testimonios de la Tortura en Chile" with transcription and translation). Also, I have a box full of other items, like fliers, posters and booklets from the 60's: anti-war posters and some other miscellany (e.g., "What to do if the FBI Comes Knocking" booklet) that I would like to donate to an organization or established collection. Some women's movement publications. Some things from the 70s (e.g., poster: "Angolan Liberation Fighter"). Also a number of copies of "The Realist," including interview with Lenny Bruce. Some of these items may just be nostalgia, but other items might be of interest and useful for a collection.Please e-mail me with requests; I will forward them to the author. UPDATE: Thanks to those who have written. All the e-mail messages have now been forwarded to the author. Noam Chomsky + Robert Trivers, discussion with Chomsky and Trivers, Seed Salon (September 6, 2006). An excerpt: Trivers: There is excellent work being done on deception in other creatures. Wolfowitz comes in the very next day and says, "Hard to imagine that we'd need more troops to occupy than to knock over." But that was established military doctrine; we'd known that for more than 50 years. To give you just one line of work that's of some interest: We find repeatedly now--in wasps, in birds and in monkeys--that when organisms realize they're being deceived, they get pissed off. And they often attack the deceiver. Especially if the deceiver is over-representing him or herself. If you're under-representing and showing yourself as having less dominance than you really have, you're not attacked. And the ones that do attack you are precisely those whose dominance status you are attempting to expropriate or mimic. It's very interesting and it suggests some of the dynamic in which fear of being detected while deceiving can be a secondary signal, precisely because if you are detected, you may get your butt kicked or get chased out. Chomsky: There's a name for that in the international affairs literature; its called maintaining credibility. You have to carry out violent acts to maintain credibility, even if the issue is insignificant. Chomsky Slams Silence on US-Cuba, brief press release by Prensa Latina (August 30, 2006). An excerpt: Havana, Aug 30 (Prensa Latina) US academic Noam Chomsky criticized Wednesday western silence on US plans for Cuba, terming them a reflection of an imperial mentality that is imperceptible for those who suffer from that disease. Posted Wednesday, September 06, 2006 |
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