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“Impressions of Gaza”

By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012.


(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)

  Posted Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Cambridge Forum talk on "democratizing" Iraq and Negroponte's appointment to Iraq's embassy (April 29, 2004): "One of the things you can learn [from the media] is that, according to the Boston Globe [...] Bush has a 'messianic mission to graft democracy onto the rest of the world.' This is presented as a fact, and you know it's a fact because we have evidence for it. The evidence is that he said so." [talk starts at 52:20]


The Independent interview, 'Controlling the Oil in Iraq Puts America in a Strong Position to Exert Influence on the World', with David McNeill (January 24, 2005): "I thought the [Iraq] war itself would be over in two days and that the occupation would immediately succeed. It was known to be the weakest country in the region. The US never would have invaded otherwise. The sanctions had killed hundreds of thousands and compelled the people to rely on Saddam for survival, otherwise they probably would have overthrown him. The country is obviously going to fall apart as soon as you push it. And any resistance is going to have no outside support, a trickle but nothing significant. But, in fact, it is proving harder than the German occupation of Europe in the Second World War. The Nazis didn't have this much trouble in Europe. But somehow the US has managed to turn it into an unbelievable catastrophe. And it is partly because of the way they are treating people. They have been treating people in such a way that engenders resistance and hatred and fear."

  Posted Monday, January 24, 2005

The Connection audio interview on the anti-war movement, with Dick Gordon (January 23, 2003): "The most striking thing about [the protests], I think, is, first of all, that they are world wide. There's never been a case in history that I can think of when there was such overwhelming world-wide opposition to a military action that's been undertaken. Furthermore, in the United States and in Europe there's simply no historical precedent of anything like this kind of opposition to war at a comparable stage." [interview starts at 3:25]


Video talk at Northeastern University, Emerging Framework of World Power (April 23, 2002): "It's widely held that the post-September 11th world will never be the same. And there's no doubt that 9-11 was an event of historic importance. However, it's less clear how it's going to affect the emerging framework of world power. Personally, I'm rather skeptical. I suspect that we may discover down the road that it has established more firmly tendencies that are already under way and that are rather deep-rooted." [talk starts at 9:54]


On Point audio interview on the state of the world (March 6, 2002): "Nobody understands [al-Qaeda] better than the CIA and the US military. They helped them organize, armed and trained them 20 years ago for their own purposes." [interview starts at 6:23]


London talk (Amiel Lecture), Power in The Global Arena (May 1998): "I would like to talk primarily about the United States, its place in the evolving world order and the prospects for the future. The record of prediction in human affairs is not exactly inspiring, but the task is hopeless without at least a fair grasp of what has happened, and is happening. It's not transparent but it's not impenetrable either."


Media Matters audio interview on the U.S. and the world, with Bob McChesney (October 5, 2003): "The US has been quite frank about it, so we don't have to speculate a lot [about its current plans for the world]. On September 2002 the National Security Strategy announced very explicitly that the US government under its present leadership intends to dominate the world permanently by force, which is the dimension in which it reigns supreme."

  Posted Sunday, January 09, 2005

CounterPunch article on Chomsky, Chomsky and Academic History, by John H. Summers (January 8/9, 2005): "Noam Chomsky has written more than 30 books over the last three decades. Yet neither the Journal of American History, nor the American Historical Review, nor Reviews in American History has reviewed them. If the journals had overlooked one or two of Chomsky's books, then the omissions might not rise to the status of a problem, and could be attributed to a combination of reasons each of them incidental to Chomsky himself. If the journals had in fact devoted attention to him, but the preponderance of the attention had been hostile, then they might stand accused of harboring a bias. This is the most respectable way to disagree about such matters. But the journals have not done enough to deserve the accusation. They have not reviewed a single one of his books. Chomsky is one of most widely read political intellectuals in the world. Academic history pretends he does not exist."

  Posted Saturday, January 08, 2005

Chomsky Torrents [link updated -- it should work now]: "The purpose of this site is to enhance the distribution of non-copyrighted video material of American dissident Noam Chomsky's talks and interviews, using Bittorrent peer2peer technology."
