“Impressions of Gaza”By Noam Chomsky, written following his trip to the Gaza Strip on October 25-30, 2012. http://chomsky.info/articles/20121104.htm ![]()
(Ashraf Amra / APA Images)
Posted Sunday, August 08, 2004 A Chomsky iPod app is available from ipodlibrary.com. "The man has never been more portable or more relevant..." Khaleej Times article, From Central America to Iraq (August 6, 2004): "One moral truism that should not provoke controversy is the principle of universality: We should apply to ourselves the same standards we apply to others - in fact, more stringent ones. Commonly, if states have the power to do so with impunity, they disdain moral truisms, because those states set the rules." Public Anthropology interview, Intellectuals and the Responsibilities of Public Life, with Robert Borofsky (May 27, 2001): "I don't feel that I have anything to say beyond moral truisms. Suppose that I see a hungry child in the street, and I am able to offer the child some food. Am I morally culpable if I refuse to do so? Am I morally culpable if I choose not to do what I easily can about the fact that 1000 children die every hour from easily preventable disease, according to UNICEF? Or the fact that the government of my own "free and open society" is engaged in monstrous crimes that can easily be mitigated or terminated? Is it even possible to debate these questions?" Letter to the editors of Boston Review on Vietnam (December, 2003/January, 2004): "Having worked through the relevant documentation that James Galbraith cites, I was curious to see how he could reach his conclusions in his article "Exit Strategy" (October/November 2003), at variance with the mainstream of scholarship and other commentary, as he notes. The basic method turns out to be simple: deletion. " Video talk on Iraq and the Imperial Vision at the Power Gym, Conte Forum (March 23, 2003): "It can hardly escape notice that within a year George Bush and his advisors have succeeded in turning the United States into the leading pariah state in the world." CounterPunch interview, The Savage Extreme of a Narrow Policy Spectrum, with Merlin Chowkwanyun (July 31, 2004): "The Bush administration is at the extreme savage and brutal end of a narrow policy spectrum. Accordingly, its actions and policies came under unprecedented criticism in the mainstream, in conservative circles as well. A good illustration is the reaction to the National Security Strategy announced in September 2002, along with the virtual declaration of war against Iraq, and the onset of a highly successful government-media propaganda campaign that drove the frightened population far off the spectrum of world opinion. The NSS was condemned at once in the main establishment journal, Foreign Affairs, as a new "imperial grand strategy" that was likely to cause harm to US interests." |
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